Work Experience

The Careers Leader and the Careers  Co-ordinator organise all work experience placements for students at KTS+. The process is gradual and personalised to the individuals. All students continue with careers lessons throughout their time at KTS to ensure they are Preparing for Adulthood.


Not all students will gain External Un-Supported Work Placements as they may not be work ready by the time they leave KTS. These students will continue as far through the process they can and will have opportunities offered to them.


All work placements involve reflections from the individual attending which lists all of the jobs they have been completing and what they have learnt. They would also be expected to share things they have liked or not liked to help inform future placements for them. We expect the work placement staff to give regular feedback with areas of development identified and shared with each individual.




Students are taught about work skills within their Independent Living and Careers sessions in school. Students will discuss their likes, interests and ideas about their future during these sessions, meetings with the LA SEN Career Adviser and during their EHCP.




Students who are not yet ready to complete work experience are taught work skills through an enterprise session on a Friday. They will plan, design and produce items to be sold during an event where they will have a stall to sell from and gain experience of working with customers. 


In-School Work Placement


Students who have an interest in catering or child care will have the opportunity to work in either the Community Café on a Friday or within KTS1 as a TA. These sessions are supported by school staff. The Café is open to the community and any profits go into the KTS+ Enterprise Fund.


Supported External Work Placement


We have a work placement each week at Beyond Boundaries, which is a farm in Commondale. The students attend, with some school staff support, and take part in different work experience depending on their area of interest (tending to the animals, hospitality, art, general maintenance, building ponds, bird watching etc. 


Unsupported External Work Placement


Those students who are ready for the world of work are identified and work placements are sourced taking into account their area of interest. Staff will initially support the placements and Independent Travel Training is arranged, so students become fully independent on their work placements.



Work Experience Policy
Work Experience Policy autumn 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [180.3 KB]
Provider Access Policy
Provider access policy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [65.7 KB]

KTS Academy, Marshall Drive, Brotton, Redcar and Cleveland, TS12 2UW

Tel - 01287 677265

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