Our pupils working at Year 1 level or above follow an adapted National curriculum offer. This is is a well sequenced, ambitious curriculum, which builds on knowledge and skills acquired in the Developmental Curriculum. It continues to incorporates multidisciplinary programmes. All pupils working at Year 1 level and above, once the Developmental Curriculum is securely embedded and pupils have the knowledge and skills needed, access this adapted National Curriculum. This may sometimes only be in specific subjects such as Reading or Maths.
Whilst the curriculum is based on the Primary National Curriculum aims and programmes of study all pupils are working significantly below their chronological age and this is determined using the assessment system.
The core subjects are English, PSHE and Maths. This is preparing pupils for the Post 16 study programme and the qualifications they will be working towards. Reading is taught to the majority of pupils through systematic, synthetic phonics using the Read Write Inc scheme. Pupils develop a love of reading through Enrichment lessons.
Developing pupil knowledge, skills and understanding is done through other subject areas combined, as in the developmental curriculum, to embed knowledge and deepen understanding through well planned and meaningful topics. PfA is embedded throughout the curriculum with a focus on employment, education and training, independent living, community inclusion and health.