What is an apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is a job which combines practical training in a job with study.
An apprentice will:
– work alongside experienced staff
– gain job-specific skills
– earn a wage and get holiday pay
– be given time for study related to their role (the equivalent of one day a week)
Apprenticeships start from Level 2.
What do apprentices earn?
The national minimum wage for apprentices is currently £4.30 per hour from April 2021. The apprentice NMW applies to apprentices
aged under 19 or aged 19 or over and in the first year of their apprenticeship.
Entry requirements
Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16, living in England and have no upper age limit.
What is a traineeship?
A traineeship is a programme that includes a work placement to prepare you for work, or an apprenticeship if you don’t yet have the right skills or experience.
It can last from 6 weeks up to 1 year, though most traineeships last for less than 6 months.
Traineeships help all 16 to 24 year olds – or 25 year olds with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan – get skills and experience and to get ready for an apprenticeship or job.
What is a Supported Internship?
Supported internships let you learn the skills you need for employment. Supported internships are a structured study programme that enables young people aged 16-24 with a statement of SEN, or an Education, Health and Care plan to achieve paid employment by equipping them with the skills they need for work, through learning in the workplace.
Supported internships are unpaid, and last for a minimum of six months.
Supported internships are like apprenticeships and traineeships, where you spend most of your time in the workplace but you get lots of support to prepare for your work placement.
Careers and Apprenticeship Information
Preparing for Adulthood—Routes into Work
Routes Into Work Guide (preparingforadulthood.org.uk)
Local Authority
Apprenticeships (redcar-cleveland.gov.uk)
Qualification Levels
What qualification levels mean: England, Wales and Northern Ireland - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
T Levels | The Next Level Qualification