Students are either Year 14 or identified as an early leaver during their Annual Review
and this can be due to need or personal choice. A transition group of leavers is then identified and developed from this information.
The transition group will access sessions with information around leaving, career
development, jobs, colleges, independent living etc. They will also have an initial meeting with the SEN Careers Advisor.
KTS will hold two transition events in school to which students and parents are invited to
attend to learn about what is available for each individual student. We hold a Social Care transition day and a FE transition day, which invites all providers to attend. During this event providers
will share information, leaflets, photographs and talk about what they offer and what is needed to qualify for their service. Other services that attend are Independent Travel Trainers, Department of
Working Pensions and the local SEN Careers Adviser.
Leavers reviews are held for all transition students. Their EHCP is reviewed and potential
destinations are discussed. Transition sessions to local providers are planned and each student will attend as many of the centres and colleges they have expressed an interest in viewing as
manageable for school to support. Parents are also able to visit each provider in their own time with the student and they are given feedback from all visits the pupil has during school
Transition sessions take place to each local provider and long transition plans are
designed and sessions booked in as required.
Mid-year Leavers reviews take place and parents are supported in making a more formal decision about future
placements. If a provider has been identified, they will also be invited to the review to discuss the student and start to plan the transition.
Students complete taster days and transition session to their future providers as needed.
The SEN Careers Advisor completes an individual meeting with the student as and when needed to complete application forms and interview techniques etc.
A final leavers review takes place with all future providers, social workers and any other
professionals or services involved are requested to attend. This is to ensure everything is in place for the student and to allow for a smooth transition.
Transition Events
KTS Academy would like to thank all the parents, specialist providers and colleges for
supporting our Transition Information Days each year. It is always great to see such diverse provisions with so many exciting opportunities for our leavers. Families will be kept informed of the
yearly Transitions Events.