LMI Information

What Is LMI And What Types of LMI Are There?


LMI stands for Labour Market Information.

It refers to any relevant information about the current state of the jobs market.

LMI can include information like:


· The industries and businesses that operate in a certain location.

· The types of jobs that exist and what they involve.

· How many of those jobs there are.

· The skills that are currently or will be in high demand.

· Commute and travel to work patterns.

· Typical rates of pay.

· Career progression opportunities.


What Are Some Ways for Young People To Use LMI?


If you’re job hunting or will be soon, learning about LMI will help you to understand what opportunities are available to you and how you can best take advantage of them.

Based on LMI, you can decide things like:

· Are there job opportunities for me where I live?

· What are the different salaries for different jobs and careers?

· How long will it take me to rise through the ranks in my career to my desired position, and am I willing to do the work to get there?

· Is college, university, an apprenticeship, or working my way up from an entry level job the right path for me?


Find out more online


lmiforall.org.uk  is a portal that collates various sources of LMI to provide high-quality data.


icould.com uses data from LMI For All as well as real-life personal stories from young people. It has thousands of resources including videos and a calendar of careers events across the UK.


nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-careers offers over 800 job profiles on its website. Under each profile you’ll learn about the average salary, working hours, typical duties, and routes into jobs and careers.


LMI Factsheet for SEND
LMI Factsheets for SEND (Health and Care[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
Labour Market Information
Adobe Acrobat document [2.2 MB]

Next Steps

Beyond Boundaries


Beyond Boundaries is a local day service that offers training, activities, sports and courses on and around Fowl Green Farm in Commondale.


Activities may include:

  • Animal Care
  • Archaeology
  • Bike Rides
  • Helping to keep the farm running
  • Dry stone walling
  • Learning about the local environment
  • Cooking
  • Art
  • Practical Skills
  • Woodland Conservation 


Past KTS Student - Liam


‘At Beyond Boundaries, I like working with all the animals and you learn different things all the time. You get to work with different kinds of people on their skills. You get different experiences every time you’re there, for example dry stone walling, walking the llamas and the donkeys, doing wood work and all different kinds of stuff every week at the farm.’


  • Beyond Boundaries is a working farm and some people are paid to help with the farm.
  • There are lots of different jobs that people can train and get paid to do on a farm.
  • A Farm Worker is one job that people can train and get paid to do.


James Cook University Hospital 


Therapeutic Support Programme


Some of our students may have the opportunity to take part in work experience at the hospital  in different roles.

Supported Volunteer. The role of a Supported Volunteer is to  provide valuable therapeutic support to patients and

visitors on wards.


Activities may include:


  • Activities in the day room such as board games, dominoes and crafts.  
  • Pampering activities such as nail painting and hair dressing.     
  • Running errands for patients and taking them for short trips off the wards where appropriate so they can experience a sense of normality.


Past KTS Student - Phoebe


‘'At KTS+, I did work experience at the hospital as a Supported Volunteer.  After KTS, I got into a Supported Internship with Project Choice and then I did that for a year.  I then got an apprenticeship out of it which was for two years as a Therapeutic Care Support Worker. After this, they offered me a permanent job as a Play and Therapy Worker.  I enjoyed working through my apprenticeship and starting this job.’



James Cook is a big hospital and there are lots of different jobs that people are paid to do at this hospital.

A Healthcare Assistant is one job that people can train and get paid to do in a hospital.





The role of a Wayfinder is to offer a friendly and helpful service to patients and all visitors.


Activities may include:

  • Politely greet patients, relatives and visitors. 
  • Give help to locate a department.                     
  • Offer to accompany as appropriate.  
  • Respond to requests for a patient’s whereabouts i.e. which ward?        
  • Possibly be required to help lost children locate parent/guardian.


KTS Student - Sam


'I’ve really enjoyed working at James Cook Hospital as a Wayfinder. I really like working independently and I’ve made friends as well. My confidence has definitely grown since I started working here.'


James Cook is a big hospital and there are lots of different jobs that people are paid to do at this hospital.

A Porter is one job that people can train and get paid to do in a hospital.


Leaver Profiles

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