Agency Support

At KTS Academy, working closely with other agencies is key in ensuring pupils needs are met in a holistic way.


School nurses

We have a school nurse from James Cook Hospital on site at all times to support some pupils with complex medical needs.


Physiotherapy Team

The NHS physiotherapy (physio) team are in several times a week to support pupils who have physio needs, assess pupils and also offer advice to staff teams and work with them to deliver individual physio programmes. They have a room with specialist equipment to enable them to do this.


Specialist Occupational Therapist (OT)

We buy in a private specialist OT service from Treetops Occupational Therapy to support pupils with sensory processing needs. The OT Jill, works very closely with staff teams to assess pupils and write sensory programmes for them. She also trains staff in delivering these.  

In addition to this, the NHS OT service regularly visit school to support pupils who need specialist seating and standing frames.


Speech and Language Therapy Team (SALT)

The SALT team are in every week to support individual pupils and groups. They work closely with teachers to assess pupils and set targets, which are incorporated into the pupil’s curriculum. The SALT team work closely with our communication leads in school to ensure staff are trained in delivering the SALT programmes they recommend and these are also included in our KTS Curriculum. In addition to supporting pupil’s communication needs, we also work with the specialist dysphagia SALT team who support pupils who might need help with their feeding and drinking. Our staff are trained by the team to support these pupils.


Other professionals


We work closely with LD CAMHS to support pupil’s mental health and behaviour. We welcome professionals into school from CAMHS regularly and share information with them to ensure pupil’s behavioural and mental health needs are being supported effectively, holding regular meetings with families.


Social Care

Many of our pupils and their families are supported by social care and we work closely with social workers, welcoming them into school and holding meetings with them alongside parents and carers to share information.


Medical professionals

We recognise that many of our pupils find it challenging and overwhelming to attend medical appointments in hospital. To support them, professionals including the paediatrician, dietician and consultant psychiatrist hold their clinics in school. Not only does this make the appointments more comfortable for the pupils, but it also means they are not absent from school for extended periods of time. 

KTS Academy, Marshall Drive, Brotton, Redcar and Cleveland, TS12 2UW

Tel - 01287 677265

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