Curriculum Links

The following links will take you to the websites of different resources which support the KTS curriculum.

As a school, we embrace the Thrive ethos and our behaviour policy incorporates elements of the Thrive approach.  Danielle Inkpen is our Thrive practitioner in school. 


For more information on Thrive, please click on the link below. 

Tapestry is an online learning journal where children’s achievements can be recorded and celebrated and stored online in their own learning journal. Parents are also invited to share photos and videos which can be uploaded from home. Tapestry is used across Lower school and some groups in Upper school also use it. Staff update Tapestry each half term to give an overview of achievements.


For more information on Tapestry, please click on the link below.


We use Read Write Inc. and Fresh Start to teach children to read. For pupils following the Developmental Curriculum, Read Write Inc. has been adapted to include early mark making and key object recognition. Pupils then progress onto the formal programme.


For more information on Read Write Inc, please click on the link below. 


We use White Rose to teach maths.


For more information about White Rose Maths, please click on the link below.


We use SCARF to teach PSHE.


For more information about SCARF, please click on the link below.


We use Purple Mash to teach Computing.


For more information about Purple Mash, please click on the link below.


KTS Academy, Marshall Drive, Brotton, Redcar and Cleveland, TS12 2UW

Tel - 01287 677265

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