Family Information

We recognise that your child’s journey will be a little different to children in a mainstream school/college, therefore we try and involve families as much as possible to keep them informed about their child’s time in school and the progress they are making.


We also want families to feel welcome and part of our school community. These are some of the ways we will do this: 


  • Parents/carers have daily contact via home-school diaries/class dojo.
  • Every term a copy of the pupil’s/student’s personal goals is sent home with suggestions of ways support can be given at home. Parents/ carers are encouraged to contribute to these. 
  • Tapestry is an online learning journal which is used across school to share pupil progress with parents/carers, who are also able to contribute to this. 
  • Parents/carers are invited to meetings to discuss their child’s progress including an EHCP meeting and parent’s evening. 
  • Regular contact is made between home and school through telephone calls. 
  • Parents/carers are invited into school for special events, enterprise events, performances or assemblies.  
  • We have events after school where the whole family are welcome, e.g. school discos, bingo. 
  • Our 'Make and Bake' pathways students run a cafe every Friday morning and you are welcome to visit.
  • We offer sessions to parents on specific areas throughout the year such as RSE, online safety, behaviour and curriculum.

KTS Academy, Marshall Drive, Brotton, Redcar and Cleveland, TS12 2UW

Tel - 01287 677265

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